
Oy vey, what a day.

(It would be pretty funny if I just left it at that but no I'll explain.)

First of all though, hahaha! The website is evil now! After a cool 3ish months I finally changed the colours of the website. Orange is my favourite :) and now I can type late at night without burning my eyes out. Maybe in another 6 months I'll pick a decent font. Really putting my graphic design expertise to use.

But ugh crummy day. I finally finished on mockups for my final and feel ready to finalise my designs, but the deadline is in two weeks still. Fuck am I gonna do for two weeks beyond this point? I guess it's good I'm working fast but I suspect Dave (my tutor) is gonna tell me I didn't put in enough research or annotating and I'm gonna have to do a whole lotta busywork even though I've done the designs without them. Usually my default when I don't feel like working but still have to be busy is to tidy in the art and graphics rooms. I love cleaning, I love tidying, and no one else is doing it and usually Dave ignores me when I'm doing it. It feels nice :). But today doing that made me overstimulated and made my hands feel terrible which sucked. What Also Doesn't feel nice is my bike breaking. again. My bike that spent months getting fixed and having all new parts in place, a buncha money, in less than a month of getting it back the chain fully snaps off. Like, completely one of the little thangs snapped in half for no reason. Since it happened right outside of college I had to walk all the way home in the rain. At this point I'd probably have sold her (the bike) by now and bought a new one if not for loyalty and spite. I was pissed as all Hell, had 0 appetite so was angry And hangry, and had no energy for dnd. Lucky me ig, because we forgot dnd was cancelled this week. The dm and his wife are on holiday arghhhh (I mean it would've been worse if they were home and had to awkwardly remind us). Even the chippy we always go to was kinda mediocre today. My dad told me we could just get a replacement for that one bit of the chain though and he fixed it for me, so I can still ride tomorrow yay :DDD! He rested at ours because he has a really tiring job and his bones hurt all the time :( but I spent the rest of the evening drawing.

I have other things I can write about but I'm already out of energy and I can save it for next entry.