
Yesterday was a good day, I just didn't feel like writing bc it was pretty late. At my dads I share a room with my little brother and I didn't wanna keep him up by clickety-clacketing anyway.

It's gotten to the time of year where the air is the absolute perfect temperature - just the same as your own body, maybe a little cooler - and at the expected time which staves off my existential fear of global warming just a little bit. I went to the park with my little brother Damian and we had a lot of fun (well, he did, and I enjoyed watching him have fun). He was really insistent on going out but my less young brother was occupied and my dad said he can't leave him home alone, so it was just us two which is a first. I'm always in the mind of like a 14 year old so I forget that I'm 17 and perfectly capable of doing that. The paddling pool was open (maybe he knew and I didn't) and he really loved it. He loves all kinda of water - films about the ocean, puddles, rivers, throwing stuff in those rivers that'll go Ploop, etc. I think it's really cute. We saw a dead fish floating in the river, but rather than upset he was pretty interested in looking at it. I'm not about to explain mortality to a 6 year old and I like looking at dead stuff too so I didn't mind. Then at night there was a loud party next door. I believe it's a big fancy place that gets rented out for parties (I suspect that's why I periodically hear them throw away heaps of glass bottles...). I obviously don't get invited to things like that but I like to snoop from my window at the top of the house where I can hear the people having fun, and maybe arguing in the garden (hehe). I only hope I can go inside one someday lol. I hear they have clubs in Norwich, so even if I miss my chance there's that. Speaking of:

Last week we went to a tour of Norwich Uni and it fuckin rocks, so I think I'd wanna go there for my illustration. I know I'm pretty easy to trick but like, man! It's beautiful there, and the people are so cool, and there's so much shit to do, and all the artwork people have done was awesome! There's even a junk yard in Norwich which I unironically got really excited for (there isn't one where I live u_u), and I can appreciate a place with lots of graffiti. Only issues I had really are A: It takes fuckin ages to get there from where I live and B: the amount of hostile architecture in Norwich (but I can't exactly change that without earning a few fines).

Fuck's sake, a pretty little beetle drowned in my tea. Poor lad.

Anyway, I met a cool guy on the trip called Ash that said they wanted to go to Norry too, woo! They're pretty cool and have good fashion taste and a lot of the same interests as me. We talked a lot at the pit stop after I'd introduced myself and I found out they go to the same college as me? Which is crazy bc I'd literally never seem them before that day, but apparently they leave for break and lunch which would explain a bit. They take photography! Will this be another grain of sand in the whirlwind of my many fleeting friendships, or can I keep this one up? We'll have to wait and see.

I figured if I want a good illustration portfolio I'm gonna have to start challenging myself more with scenes and backgrounds, not just characters in the white void. I haven't been drawing so much recently, just been watchin a lot of Inside Number 9 (which is fucking fire) and playin a lot of Fable 2 (which is more like a hot coal but it's the game of my childhood and it is really fun). I should take the opportunity to think more about my ocs (in terms of actual lore and shit) and illustrating parts of their story. I've already started that with drawing Felix and Mary's deaths but I can't finish it this weekend so I'll just start on something else. Wonder if they'll accept fanart as a valid piece of my portfolio or if they're the type to say it's not "real art" (boo). Or maybe my vaguely anime-ish art style sealed my fate from day one in that regard.