
They invented this new thing that can make you moan like a girl guaranteed and they're calling it "The prospect of moving out of your parent's house".

Anyway, I thought I was in college today but it turns out I'm in tomorrow instead. I'm glad I could get the right amount of sleep (my typical sleep routine is like 2am-11am so I couldn't get to sleep for a long time) but still a little worried about tomorrow. Not just because I have to see Those Guys That Don't Like Me, but because the final part of the photography course (studio) is then and I really haven't thought much about what to do with it. I considered bringing in my cat but she'd probably freak (no matter how well behaved and tolerant of being held she is), and people mentioned things like special props and makeup, but I figured the others wouldn't have thought about it too much either so I shouldn't get so worried. I've thought maybe I should just plan a cool outfit and make it like a fashion shoot, if I really can't come up with a good plan by tonight. I did finally finish this pair of dungarees I was designing on with Poscas for months, so that might be cool. (It just goes to show how long it took because it has a pretty big design on it for a band I don't even like that much anymore, but it has too many layers for me to bother painting over it).

I'm still on that Minecraft Grind and my brother's joining in too now, which is nice because it's not often we have much to bond over. Been rewatching the Mandela Catalogue with him too since he's come to like it, tho it's really not All That for me. I get that it did a lot for establishing analog horror as a genre, but I don't think it holds up very well and the story isn't very interesting to me. That, combined with the amount of other series that have tried to copy it but end up tropey and boring. I think in general the genre is really hit or miss for me, and that can mainly be drawn back to the presentation; some series like Doctor Nowhere or the Walten Files can get by just with an interesting plot and striking imagery, but it's a careful balancing act between looking authentic in your old tech presentation and using it to your advantage to create the right atmosphere and subvert things in a clever way.

Like I said I've been wanting to move. It's not that I hate my mum or my brother, I love them both, I just want my own space like most teens do. I feel like I've seen everything about this town and I wanna go somewhere new where there's actually stuff to do and people I wanna meet. I've been pondering Norwich (the university there looks nice, a guy came in to talk about it) but I'm not one to assume and I've never been there. I think I've said this before but it's an irritating dichtomy between the overstimulation of cities and the dullness of villages. Maybe Lincoln or Nottingham, I dunno. I wanna go somewhere new for education but I have another year and a bit of community for qualifications. How the hell do I make a portfolio anyway?? My art is cool and epic until the minute I need to show it off and then I feel like none of it is useable. This is relavant now too because I asked a local ttrpg place about advertising commissions but I dunno what examples to send to him. I don't draw enough dnd type stuff I think for people to be interested in art of their characters. Nnnnghhh.

Apart from that I rly don't have much to say. See ya.