
Aah ~ what a day. I went to see my close good friend Ozzy in Lincoln. I haven't seen him in person for months but he's very special to me; the specialist guy in the whole world. If anything happened to him I would build a machine to extinguish the sun like those mad scientists with a Dead Wife motive in every movie. Anyway he's an emo and he dresses better than me so he's easy for me to spot in a crowd (even if Lincoln has a Very high population of emos and people who dress better than me), which is useful bc he missed his bus and I had to dick around for a while in the square b4 he arrived (I didn't mind tho).

I brought a lot of stuff to do but we spent most of our time talking about stuff. He's really good at making me laugh in a way no one else can. We went to this nice park together, saw iddy biddy ducklings and spoke a lot about Hazbin Hotel, something we both like and both immensely love to shit on. I'm a Hazbin fan the way one might be a Star Wars fan. As in: "It would've been so good if it was good". I've considered making an AU the way I'd write the show (I discussed it with him a lot later), but before I even consider that I'd need to finish any of the other writing projects I've picked up and dropped. I won't go into it now bc who cares. We also showed each other funny videos and tried to decipher a scrap of cardboard he'd found on the floor with some mysterious song lyrics. We couldn't find anything online about it, but eventually my mum clocked it as being a generic country song that we were both wildly misreading.

Also like usual we had a peep at some of the cool shops like Waterstones an Hmv (I don't have a cd or record player but I like looking at the packaging, because it's intended to be kept and displayed. Graphic design course brain at work). Malhereusement we both had to leave pretty early bc of his binder and me just being tired all the fuckin time (lol). I did get him a cool book we wanted though, and I always need to get a book from Linc so I picked Before the Coffee Gets Cold. The premise sounds cool but even if it blows (haha) it's a short read. That's often the case for books, where the synopsis sounds cool as hell but in execution it sucks. Like I was considering Tender is the Flesh (I'm a fan of gore) but reviews all said it was lame and I also read bits and pieces of the actual plot which sounded mysoginistic as all fuck (and not in a Wasp Factory way but in a The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish kinda way).

So my pile of unread books grows. I sometimes feel bad about owning and not reading so many, but in my defense I'm a slow ass reader. I had that 16+ reading age in year 5 so I was doomed from the start in that regard (I'm just glad I Am consistently reading again after my years long slomp).

The day sounds like it was boring to anyone else but it was really special to me. Such is the way of diary blogs. I don't intend to update daily obviously, only when something happens and I can be bothered to write that evening.